Officials Program
As members of Sports Officials Canada, Canadian Tenpin Federation, along with its Provincial and Local Associations, offers a program of Certified Officials for tenpin bowling.
Sport Canada and many of the sport branches of Provincial Governments are asking that Officials be part of the program where funding is offered to the Sport Governing Organizations.
Canadian Tenpin Federation offers its members the opportunity to be part of this program by providing four levels of CTF Officials’ Certification Programs. Applicants must complete an open book test at each level and submit the complete test along with the application fee to the CTF Officials Program Chair for processing. Successful applicants will receive a certificate of completion.
Level One should be completed by league executives and team captains to test their knowledge of league rules. Accreditation at this level will enable the successful participant to officiate at the league level. Level Two should be completed by local and provincial directors to test their knowledge of CTF playing rules and tournament rules. Obtaining accreditation at this level allows the successful participant to officiate at local and provincial tournaments. These levels of certification will show your fellow bowlers that you have the knowledge to be a leader in your league or association.
Level Three must be completed by CTF National Board Members to test their knowledge of CTF Bylaws, Operations Manual and national tournament forms. Accreditation enables the successful participant to officiate at national championships events. Level Four tests the knowledge of the World Tenpin Bowling Association Rules and Constitution used at WTBA sanctioned events. Accreditation enables the successful participant to officiate at international competitions, such as the PanAm Games or Olympics. Please contact CTF National Office regarding these programs.
If you have participated in the program and your certificate is more than two years old, it is advisable that you take the test again. Tests are updated annually to ensure accuracy with changing rules and revised every four years
There is a nominal fee for each level to take part in this program. The Level One fee is $5.00 per individual or $25.00 per league, this $25.00 fee will cover all league executives and team captains who wish to take the test. The Level Two fee is $30.00 per local or provincial association, there is no limit to the number of directors who wish to take the test. The fee is used to cover the costs of the certification cards and certificates for those who successfully complete the test, mailing costs and printing costs.
Take the test and complete the application form at the end of the test test and return them together with your cheque made payable to:
Canadian Tenpin Federation
c/o Harvey Zimberg
201-3915 Grant Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3R 2W2
Level 1 – Officials Test
Level 2 – Officials Test